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New on Europeana - trending items


Thousands of searches take place every day on our website, with people searching millions of collection items for research, for learning or just for fun. 

Have you ever wondered what the most popular items are? With our new trending items, now you can find out.


‘I started digging’: Europeana’s collections inspire new art


Artist Cosmina Berta tells us how she browses the Europeana website for artistic inspiration. Cosmina bases her artworks on cultural heritage imagery, enhancing and reimagining it using both digital and traditional techniques.


Education Day


International Day of Education is an annual international observance day held on January 24. The right to education is a fundamental right and helps us build a more sustainable, inclusive and peaceful future.




is a geometric configuration of symbols. In various spiritual traditions, it's for focusing attention as a spiritual guidance tool, for establishing a sacred space and as an aid to meditation and trance induction.


Create a gallery, save your favourite items

Whether you are working on a creative project, need to collect material for your research or just want to have some fun curating cultural heritage, creating a Europeana account allows you to save your favourite items and create public and private galleries.


Creative Online Residency 2024  Info Session


Join our online information session on February 21st to find out all you need to know to apply for this year's Digital Storytelling Festival Creative Online Residency!

GIF-making workshop: women’s history


You'll learn how to search through's cultural heritage collections to find material about women’s history. Then we'll explore simple techniques so you can create animated stickers and GIFs using free online tools.

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Europeana Foundation | Europeana Foundation Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 2595 BE Den Haag Netherlands